Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server mié 13/11/2024 horas 02:13 | Europe/Rome

Vintage vehicles
Cars, cycles and carriages

Subasta n. 13628

Juzgado de Ascoli Piceno - Crisi da sovraindebitamento n. 983/2017
Venta n.7

Vintage vehicles - Cars, cycles and carriages - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 7
Vintage vehicles - Cars, cycles and carriages - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 7
Vintage vehicles - Cars, cycles and carriages - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 7
18 Lotes
Reducción -46%
vie 21/01/2022 horas 16:00
mié 23/02/2022 horas 16:00
  • Descripcion

Vintage vehicles - Cars, cycles and carriages

Liquidation of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno Law Court - Over-indebtedness Law 3/2012

On sale vintage vehicles of various types such as bicycles, motorcycles and cars

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

VAT not due - VAT not deductible

Procedure is not registered to VIES. 

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

Complete Lot
Complete Lot
Complete Lot
Haz una oferta

Complete Lot

Lote 0|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

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Baby Vintage Car
Haz una oferta

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Baby Vintage Car

Lote 1|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Lambretta 48
Haz una oferta

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Lambretta 48

Lote 5|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Motom 48C
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Motom 48C

Lote 6|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Taurus Bicycle
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Taurus Bicycle

Lote 9|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Mosquito Granata
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Mosquito Granata

Lote 10|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Years 50-60 Motorcycle
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Years 50-60 Motorcycle

Lote 11|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Minarelli 50
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Minarelli 50

Lote 13|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Omer Tanga Minibike
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Omer Tanga Minibike

Lote 14|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Motobi Minibike
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Motobi Minibike

Lote 15|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Velosolex Moped
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Velosolex Moped

Lote 16|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Durkopp Track Bike
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Durkopp Track Bike

Lote 19|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Leopold Olivier Track Bike
Haz una oferta

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Leopold Olivier Track Bike

Lote 20|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 4 Racing Bike
Haz una oferta

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N. 4 Racing Bike

Lote 22|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Sicilian 2-Wheeled Wagon
Haz una oferta

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Sicilian 2-Wheeled Wagon

Lote 24|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Sicilian 2-Wheeled Catanese Wagon
Haz una oferta

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Sicilian 2-Wheeled Catanese Wagon

Lote 25|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Parker Summer & C. Milano Iron Steamer
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Karl Wongert Viktoria Trailer Wagon
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Karl Wongert Viktoria Trailer Wagon

Lote 27|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 2 Wagons of the Fire Department
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 2 Wagons of the Fire Department

Lote 28|Subasta 13628

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

Ventas relacionadas

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Taller Mercedes y Smart
20 Lotes
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Ficha Anuncio
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1 Lotes

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Subasta 24010

Juzgado de Catania - Concurso n. 171/2022
Venta n.5

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mié 13/11/2024 horas 17:00

Ficha Subasta
FIAT 600
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FIAT 600

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Venta n.2

mar 12/11/2024 horas 17:00

mié 13/11/2024 horas 17:00

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Audi A4
1 Lotes
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Audi A4

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Subasta 24076

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Venta n.2

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Ficha Subasta
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5 Lotes

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Subasta 24094

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mié 16/10/2024 horas 16:00

lun 18/11/2024 horas 16:00

Ficha Subasta
Vehículos y carretillas elevadoras
Vehículos y carretillas elevadoras
Vehículos y carretillas elevadoras
7 Lotes

Vehículos y carretillas elevadoras

Vehículos y carretillas elevadoras

Subasta 24121

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mié 09/10/2024 horas 15:00

lun 25/11/2024 horas 15:00

Ficha Subasta
FIAT Doblò
1 Lotes

FIAT Doblò

FIAT Doblò

Subasta 24262

Juzgado de Gela - Concurso n. 8/2021

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jue 14/11/2024 horas 16:00

Ficha Subasta
Coches - Citroen, DR, FIAT y Audi
Coches - Citroen, DR, FIAT y Audi
Coches - Citroen, DR, FIAT y Audi
30 Lotes

Coches - Citroen, DR, FIAT y Audi

Coches - Citroen, DR, FIAT y Audi

Subasta 24426

Juzgado de Venezia - Judicial Liquidation n. 5/2024

mié 16/10/2024 horas 15:30

mié 13/11/2024 horas 15:30

Ficha Subasta
Furgón Renault - Equipos varios
Furgón Renault - Equipos varios
Furgón Renault - Equipos varios
7 Lotes

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Furgón Renault - Equipos varios

Subasta 24530

Juzgado de Roma - Judicial Liquidation n. 461/2023
Venta n.3

mié 16/10/2024 horas 16:00

mar 19/11/2024 horas 16:00

Ficha Subasta
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