Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server lun 03/03/2025 horas 23:28 | Europe/Rome

Complete Hosiery - C - Single Productive Sections -  Oristano L.C.- Bankr. n. 02/2012

Subasta n. 389-C

Juzgado de Oristano - Concurso n. 02/2012

Complete Hosiery - C - Single Productive Sections -  Oristano L.C.- Bankr. n. 02/2012
507 Lotes
vie 18/07/2014 horas 15:00
jue 04/09/2014 horas 16:00
  • Descripción

Complete Hosiery - C - Single Productive Sections - Wholesale

Oristano Law Court - Bankruptcy n. 02/2012

It is possible to bid on lots combinations

Combination C1 - Pantyhose Weaving
Combination C2 - Underwear Weaving
Combination C3 - Stockings Sewing
Combination C4 - Stockings Dyeing
Combination C5 - Stockings Packaging
Combination C6 - Warehouse Stock
Combination C7 - Offices and Furniture

Specif deposit required  for each single lots combination

Auctions execution related to Bankr. 02/2012 – Oristano Law Court:

The entire movable assets related to Bankr. 02/2012 – Oristano Law Court has been placed in auction in different modes with n.4 auctions (n.389 - A – n.389 B – n.389 C – n. 389 D) published on

Lots awarding will occur according to the following modes:

Winning bids on lots present in auction n.389 A will have awarding priority on bids received on lots present in auctions n.389 B, n.389 C, n.389 D.

Winning bids on lots present in auction n.389 B will have awarding priority on bids received on lots present in auctions n.389 C, n.389 D.

Winning bids on lots present in auction n.389 C will have awarding priority on bids received on lots present in auction n.389 D.

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Pantyhose Weaving
Pantyhose Weaving
Pantyhose Weaving
Pantyhose Weaving
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
227 Lotes

Pantyhose Weaving

combinacion 1|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Underwear Weaving
Underwear Weaving
Underwear Weaving
Underwear Weaving
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
61 Lotes

Underwear Weaving

combinacion 2|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Stockings Sewing
Stockings Sewing
Stockings Sewing
Stockings Sewing
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
151 Lotes

Stockings Sewing

combinacion 3|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Stockings Dyeing
Stockings Dyeing
Stockings Dyeing
Stockings Dyeing
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
32 Lotes

Stockings Dyeing

combinacion 4|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Stockings Packaging
Stockings Packaging
Stockings Packaging
Stockings Packaging
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
34 Lotes

Stockings Packaging

combinacion 5|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Warehuose Stock
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
1 Lotes

Warehuose Stock

combinacion 6|Subasta 389-C

Ficha lote

Macomer (NU) - Italy

Offices and Furnitures
Haz una oferta
CLotes en venta en combinación
1 Lotes
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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