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Hora del server dom 09/03/2025 horas 22:21 | Europe/Rome

Antiques and collectibles

Subasta n. 15055

Juzgado de Ascoli Piceno - Crisi da sovraindebitamento n. 983/2017
Venta n.3

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Antiques and collectibles - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 3
Antiques and collectibles - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 3
Antiques and collectibles - Liq. of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno L.C. - Sale 3
108 Lotes
Reducción -40%
mar 24/05/2022 horas 16:00
mar 28/06/2022 horas 16:00
  • Descripción

Antiques and collectibles

Liquidation of patrimony n. 983/2017 - Ascoli Piceno Law Court - Over-indebtedness Law 3/2012

On sale various antiques and collectibles such as statues, clocks and advertising plates as well as vintage furniture and equipment

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

VAT not due - VAT not deductible

Procedure is not registered to VIES. 

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

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N. 2 Wooden Paintings
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 2 Wooden Paintings

Lote 1|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Copper pump
Haz una oferta


Copper pump

Lote 2|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 2 Wooden Horses
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 2 Wooden Horses

Lote 3|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Mortar in Wood
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Mortar in Wood

Lote 4|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 4 Bed Warmers
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 4 Bed Warmers

Lote 5|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Cellar bottles
Haz una oferta


Cellar bottles

Lote 6|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones


Lote 7|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 5 Air Pumps
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 5 Air Pumps

Lote 8|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Still in Iron
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Still in Iron

Lote 9|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Shoemaker Equipment
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Shoemaker Equipment

Lote 11|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Terracotta Horse Head
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Terracotta Horse Head

Lote 13|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Mira punching machine
Haz una oferta


Mira punching machine

Lote 15|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Axle for Sicilian Cart
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Axle for Sicilian Cart

Lote 16|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 2 Oriental Statues
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 2 Oriental Statues

Lote 17|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Cone Boeri box
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Cone Boeri box

Lote 18|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Sicilian cart reproduction
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Sicilian cart reproduction

Lote 19|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 5 Geographic Maps
Haz una oferta


N. 5 Geographic Maps

Lote 20|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Sailing ship reproduction
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Sailing ship reproduction

Lote 23|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Napoleon statue in ceramic
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

Napoleon statue in ceramic

Lote 24|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

Wood Caliber
Haz una oferta


Wood Caliber

Lote 25|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 9 Tin Boxes
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 9 Tin Boxes

Lote 26|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 6 Framed Photos
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 6 Framed Photos

Lote 27|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

He teaches barbershop
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

He teaches barbershop

Lote 28|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

N. 22 Various plates
Haz una oferta

Arte e collecciones

N. 22 Various plates

Lote 29|Subasta 15055

Ficha lote

Monteprandone (AP) - Italy

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