Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server mié 12/03/2025 horas 10:36 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture Production - Machinery/Equipment - Bank. 72/2015 - Latina L.C. - Sale 2

Subasta n. 3418

Juzgado de Latina - Concurso n. 72/2015
Venta n.2

Office Furniture Production - Machinery/Equipment - Bank. 72/2015 - Latina L.C. - Sale 2
85 Lotes
Reducción -20%
mar 31/10/2017 horas 15:00
jue 30/11/2017 horas 15:00
  • Descripción

Office Furniture Production - Machinery and Equipment

Bankruptcy n. 72/2015 - Latina Law Court

On sale machinery and equipment for office furniture production, as well as a warehouse of raw materials and semifinished products.

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

Combinations 1 - 3 and Lot 86 require a specific deposit indicated in lot webpages.

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available day of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of auction.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

In case of lack of CE mark presence, the goods are available only for a EXTRA EU sale or for spare parts use with no warranty and not for conventional and original use

Possibile adjustement to the current norms for prevention, safety, ecologic tutelage and environmental and other, will be on buyer's expense, with exemption from the assignor and the Bankruptcy bodies of any responsibility in that matter.

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Giardina Pressurized Cabin
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Giardina Pressurized Cabin

Lote 1|Subasta 3418

Ficha lote

Latina (LT) - Italy

Various Machines
Various Machines
Various Machines
Various Machines
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CLotes en venta en combinación
73 Lotes

Various Machines

combinacion 1|Subasta 3418

Ficha lote

Latina (LT) - Italy

Elettrogen Group and Compressor Group
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CLotes en venta en combinación
2 Lotes
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CLotes en venta en combinación
5 Lotes


combinacion 3|Subasta 3418

Ficha lote

Latina (LT) - Italy

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CLotes en venta en combinación
3 Lotes


combinacion 4|Subasta 3418

Ficha lote

Latina (LT) - Italy

Warehouse Raw Materials and Worn Products
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