FIAT Punto - Kimco Scooter
Liquidation of assets no. 1/2023 - Court of Biella
Auction with free bidding
For sale FIAT Punto year 2005 and Kimco scooter year 1997
Bids can also be made on the Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in the auction.
For further information, please consult the individual lot sheets
The lots are sold as seen and liked in their current condition. Viewing is recommended.
At the end of the auction, for the best bids received below the reserve price, the award will be subject to approval by the procedure authorities.
The reserve price is indicated in the lot sheet. Bids significantly lower than the reserve price will have less chance of being considered for a possible award. The lower the difference between the submitted bid and the reserve price, the higher the possibility of award.
Bids equal to or above the reserve price will determine the provisional award of the lot.