Subscription to Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche - P.D.G. 19 ottobre 2017
The company GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL has received via PDG of 19.10.2017 the subscription to the “Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche” (Register of Telematic Sales Managers) of Ministry of Justice for and websites for the courts of appeals of:
- Ancona
- Bari
- Bologna
- Bolzano
- Brescia
- Cagliari
- Caltanissetta
- Campobasso
- Catania
- Catanzaro
- Firenze
- Genova
- L'Aquila
- Lecce
- Messina
- Milano
- Napoli
- Palermo
- Perugia
- Potenza
- Reggio Calabria
- Roma
- Salerno
- Torino
- Trento
- Trieste
- Venezia
Subscription to Ministry of Justice list - P.D.G. 2 december 2016
With PDG of 02.12.2016 it has been activated the registration for the website in the list of website having professional requirements in accordance to art. 3 e 4 of D.M. 31 october 2006.
With such measure the company Gobid International Auction Group Srl has been authorized to advertise the sales for the courts of appeals of:
- Ancona
- Bari
- Bologna
- Brescia
- Cagliari e sezione distaccata di Sassari
- Caltanissetta
- Campobasso
- Catania
- Catanzaro
- Firenze
- Genova
- L'Aquila
- Lecce e sez. distaccata di Taranto
- Messina
- Milano
- Napoli
- Palermo
- Perugia
- Potenza
- Reggio Calabria
- Roma
- Salerno
- Torino
- Trento e sezione distaccata di Bolzano
- Trieste
- Venezia
Area risevata autorità giudiziaria