OFFERS GATHERING - Shed in Imola (BO), Via Colombarotto 8 - LOT 17
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Imola at sheet 111:
Parcel 202 - Category C/3 - Class 7 - Consistency 264 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 1,186.20
The real estate unit in question consists of two rooms, a bathroom, a hallway and an office.
The property is subject to a lease contract expiring on 10/31/2026, renewable for a further 6 years, the annual rent is € 4,800.00.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
The gathering will be done using the following modes:
All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address in conjunction with the documents required.
Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Retail surface: 257.72 sqm
Area: 497,24 sqm
Sqm Court: 555 sqm
Free: No