OFFER COLLECTION - Residential property in Trivento (CB), Contrada Rio 93 - LOT 2
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Trivento on Sheet 13:
Parcel 338 - Sub. 10 - Category A/3 - Class U - Size 8 rooms - R.C. € 454.48 - sub. 12 ancillary courtyard
The real estate unit in question consists of an apartment divided into an entrance, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a kitchen, a covered terrace/veranda, a hallway, and an ancillary cellar. A balcony serves as the entrance to the property.
The property is currently inhabited.
There are no certificates of habitability/occupancy.
There are some minor urban planning irregularities that require regularization. These irregularities have been detailed in the appraisal. The real estate unit requires a S.C.I.A. for regularization, presenting a series of documents that need the approval of the technical office and the quantification of the fee. Therefore, the successful bidder, pursuant to Article 37, paragraph 4 of D.P.R. 380/2001, after the completion of the notarial deed, will have to pay an amount ranging from a minimum of € 516.00 to a maximum of € 5,164.00 as determined by the responsible officer of the Municipality of Trivento. It should be noted that this regularization can be submitted, as established by Article 46, paragraph 5 of D.P.R. 380/2001, within one hundred and twenty days from the notarial deed. The costs necessary for the regularization project and land registry variation amount to approximately € 6,344.00, including VAT and fees, excluding the fee and the administrative/processing rights to the Municipality of Trivento.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
To make an offer, it will be necessary to register on the portal, click on the "Make an Offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be sent back signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.
For more information regarding participation, please consult the Sale Notice and the specific sale conditions.
Retail surface: 229.13 sqm
Area: 181,58 sqm
Sqm Court: 350 sqm
Balcony : 9.52 sqm
Sqm Cellar: 88 sqm
Free: No