Upravljalec spletnih dražb in spletno oglaševalno mesto, pooblaščeno s strani Ministrstva za pravosodje

Časovni pas Thu 12/12/2024 ure 08:55 | Europe/Rome

Electrical Equipment

Loto 1

Ličenje n.10166

Različno > Elektronika

  • Electrical Equipment 1
  • Electrical Equipment 2
  • Electrical Equipment 3
  • Electrical Equipment 4
  • Electrical Equipment 5
  • Electrical Equipment 6
  • + fotografija
  • Opis
The lot includes:
n. 8 skeins of iron wire
n. 1 electric cable extension in white and green
n. 1 Electric cables for battery scaffolding
n. 26 ceiling lights with four neon measures 60 x 60
n. 1 Laser printer Samsung brand model SCX-5530 FN multifunction (not working)
n. 1 UPS used (not working)
n. 1 new Deca brand electrode welding machine
n. 1 paper shredder with basket, used electric
n. 1 cathode ray tube monitor for Samsung brand mod. 753 DFX753 used (not working)
n. 1 PC monitor cathode ray tube brand Comex used (not working)
n. 1 used flat screen LG brand Flatron 19 inch TV monitor
n. 4 uninterruptible power supplies various models used (not working)
n. 1 vacuum cleaner bin model AS21 used (not working)
n. 1 Samsung multifunction laser printer mod. M2070FW used
n. 1 multifunction laser printer brand I-Sensys mod. MF4140 used
n. 2 unbranded stationary computers in poor condition (not working)
n. 1 cathode ray tube monitor Samsung brand mod. 753S used (not working)
n. 1 flat screen monitor brand Samsung model 2032 used
n. 1 flat screen monitor / tv brand Hannspree mod. HSF1112 used
n. 1 Olivetti brand desktop calculator mod. Logos 814T with paper roll, used (not working)
n. 1 Olivetti brand desktop calculator mod. Logos 812 with paper roll, used (not working)
n. 2 Seltatel brand phones used in poor condition (not working)
n. 1 Sire brand banknote counter used (not working)
n. 1 Valex single phase petrol petrol generator, model VX 3304
n. 1 a current generator with internal combustion engine brand GEM 1001
n. 2 motors for invert air conditioners brand Ariston mod.A-IF18-OX
n. 2 Split ceiling of Ariston brand air conditioner
n. 1 a Nordica brand wood stove, Junior model
n. 1 a Nordica brand wood stove, Super Junior model
n. 1 Nordica brand wood stove, Super Max model
n. 4 Nordica thermo fireplace mod. 650, power 10 KW, water 11 KW
n. 1 Pellet stove brand ExtraFlame, mod. eco., pot. global thermal 12 KW


Ta lot je del:

Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
CLote na voljo v kombinaciji
6 Lote
Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture
6 Lote
Znižane cene

Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture

Building and work materials - Office equipment and furniture

Ličenje 10166

Sodišče Foggia - Padecati. n. 5/2017
Prodaja n.4

Tue 09/03/2021 ure 16:00

Fri 19/03/2021 ure 16:00

Aukcijski list

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Loterijska kartica

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