Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server ven 19/07/2024 ura 06:46 | Europe/Rome

Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles

Lott 7

Anunci n.21581

Mecànica > Impiant completi

  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 1
  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 2
  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 3
  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 4
  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 5
  • Line n. 6 for the Production of 40x40 Tiles 6
  • + fotografia
  • Descrizion

Line n. 6 for the production of 40x40 tiles
Omg concrete mixing with silos, external hoppers and mixer
Opa 1440 press with dispenser
Linearelle extractor and n. 2000 plates
Cassani 3000 sander
Amitec wrapping machine
- ref. 9


Sto lot fa part de:

Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
CLott in vendida in combinazion
28 Lott
Doma Informazioni Domanda de vedè
Tile production - Company branch transfer
Tile production - Company branch transfer
Tile production - Company branch transfer
28 Lott
Prezzi bassaa

Tile production - Company branch transfer

Tile production - Company branch transfer

Anunci 21581

Tribunale de Perugia - C.P. n. 42/2013
Vèndita n.11

mar 13/02/2024 ura 12:00

mer 17/04/2024 ura 12:00

Scheda Anunci

Lott corélad

Segà a Nas e Compressur


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Perugia (PG) - Italy


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Collazzone (PG) - Italy

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Scheda Lotto

Città di Castello (PG) - Italy

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Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
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