Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server gio 18/07/2024 ura 20:27 | Europe/Rome

Line n. 3 for the Production of 25x25 Tiles

Lott 4

Anunci n.21581

Mecànica > Impiant completi

  • Line n. 3 for the Production of 25x25 Tiles 1
  • Line n. 3 for the Production of 25x25 Tiles 2
  • Line n. 3 for the Production of 25x25 Tiles 3
  • Descrizion

Line n. 3 for the production of 25x25 tiles
Omg concrete mixing with external silos and hoppers
Opa 850 press
Linearelle extractor and n. 2000 plates
Church 750 sander - ref. 6


Sto lot fa part de:

Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
Company Branch - Tiles Production
CLott in vendida in combinazion
28 Lott
Doma Informazioni Domanda de vedè
Tile production - Company branch transfer
Tile production - Company branch transfer
Tile production - Company branch transfer
28 Lott
Prezzi bassaa

Tile production - Company branch transfer

Tile production - Company branch transfer

Anunci 21581

Tribunale de Perugia - C.P. n. 42/2013
Vèndita n.11

mar 13/02/2024 ura 12:00

mer 17/04/2024 ura 12:00

Scheda Anunci

Lott corélad

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Scheda Lotto

Perugia (PG) - Italy


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Collazzone (PG) - Italy

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Fa un'offerta


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Scheda Lotto

Città di Castello (PG) - Italy

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Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
Cappa Aspirazion, Pesa Gru e Atrezzadure da Lavur
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5 Lott
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Gh'è bisògn de ajüd?