Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server Sun 09/03/2025 ura 15:59 | Europe/Rome

Credit Rights to RC Deportivo as MDC

Lott 2

Asta n.11418

Varie > Assets Finansiari

  • Credit Rights to RC Deportivo as MDC 1
  • Descrizion

CREDIT RIGHT AGAINST THE ACTIVITIES OF THE REAL CLUB DEPORTIVO EN MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN SLU, subject currently dissolved, whose total nominal amount currently amounts to 284,094.98 euros, whose payment can be allocated by the debtor only the part of the funds corresponding pro quota on its creditor EDICIONES DEPORTIVAS GALLEGAS SLU, including ACTIVIDADES DEL REAL CLUB DEPORTIVO EN MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN SLU receives due to the collection of the claim it holds before the entity RCD A CORUÑA SAD., which has the character of subordinated debt in the event of bankruptcy of RCD A CORUÑA SAD and is subject to the payment schedule agreed in the contract of the creditors of that institution, in whose provisions it is established that the credit must be paid between the year 2034 and the year 2049, and with the application of a deduction of 33%, all this determines that the current value established as the appraisal value of this Lot, equal to 77,064.07 euros


Lott Sospes propi

prez stima € 77.064,07

Prezz de riserva

Rilancio minim € 500,00

Primi del comprador 5,00 %

Deposit Cauzional: € 3.853,00

Prezzi indicàa oltra IVA e oneri come per leg


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