Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito de Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero de la Giustizia

Ora del server Wed 11/12/2024 ura 18:21 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment - E

Lott 9

Asta n.11379

Arredi e uffici > Arredamènt vari e atrezadüre

  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 1
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 2
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 3
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 4
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 5
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - E 6
  • + fotografia
  • Descrizion

The lot includes:

n. 2 L-shaped desks 205x165 - ref. 81
n. 1 bookcase 3 levels + chest of drawers 2 drawers - ref. 82
n. 1 alcatel telephone - ref. 83
n. 1 epson printer - ref. 84
n. 2 chairs with wheels - ref. 85
n. 1 armchair with wheels - ref. 86
n. 1 lenovo monitor - ref. 87
n. 1 hanger - ref. 88
n. 2 chest of drawers 4 drawers - ref. 89
n. 2 light shelving 1 cm. 120, to from cm. 240 - ref. 90
n. 1 chair without wheels - ref. 91
n. 2 6-seater white tables cm. 160 - ref. ninety two
n. 8 chairs with wheels - ref. 93
n. 1 hanger - ref. 94
n. 1 low cabinet 2 doors - ref. 95

The collection assistance charges indicated provide up to 1 working day


Sto lot fa part de:

Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design
Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design
Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design
Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design
CLott in vendida in combinazion
26 Lott
Doma Informazioni Domanda de vedè
Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design
26 Lott

Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design

Company Transfer - Industrial Plant Design

Asta 11379

Tribunale de Civitavecchia - Falimènt n. 32/2020

Fri 06/08/2021 ura 15:00

Fri 10/09/2021 ura 15:00

Scheda Asta

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Scheda Lotto

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Roma (RM) - Italy

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Arredament per Uffici

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Scheda Lotto

Lariano (RM) - Italy

Arredi e Attrezzature per Ufficio

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Mòbil per Uficio

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Mòbil per Uficio

Lott 1|Asta 25182

Scheda Lotto

Roma (RM) - Italy

Mobili e Attrezzature per Uffici - A

Arredi e uffici

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