Industrial complex in Lattarico (CS), Contrada Finita - LOT 4
The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Lattarico at sheet 14:
Parcel 457 - Sub 1 - Category D/7
Parcel 457 - Sub 2 - Category F/5 - Area 3,729 sqm - Terraced roof
Parcel 457 - Sub 3 - Category F/5 - Area 7,420 sqm - Terraced roof
The industrial complex in question produced bricks and concrete products for floors, it covers an area of 44,600 square meters, of which 13,200 are occupied by buildings, and is composed by two buildings, two canopies and an adjacent lot
The state of conservation and maintenance of all the buildings is scarce and appears to have been abandoned. The systems and machinaries are now at a standstill and their functionality cannot be verified.
On the property there is a servitude of passage in favor of an aother lot.
It is noted that in existing buildings there are eternit elements that will be reclaimed.
For further information consult the appraisal (section "STABILIMENTO INDUSTRIALE DI LATTARICO") and the attached documentation.
Superfìcie: 44.600