Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server jue 26/12/2024 horas 21:15 | Europe/Rome


Venta Mixta Sincrónica Juzgado de Milano Concurso  n. 432/2015

Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9

  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9

precio baseEUR 126.354,00

Estado de participación

Número de experimento7


LocationGiussano (MB)

Oferta mínimaEUR 126.354,00

Tramo mínimoEUR 1.000,00

Tipo de competenciaMixta Sincrónica

Fecha límite presentación ofertamar 16/07/2024 horas 13:00

Sale timemié 17/07/2024 horas 15:00

Depósito caucional:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutos

Buyer's Premiumsee Sale Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione2215153
ID Procedura769051
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2015
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4509532
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4509531
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2001288
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un fabbricato industriale con aree di pertinenza a Giussano (MB), via Diaz - LOTTO 9
Primo Identificativo2001288
IndirizzoVia Diaz
ProvinciaMonza e della Brianza
  • Bene
    ID Bene2640462
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Giussano al: Foglio 7 - Particella 286 - Categoria D/7 - R.C. € 3.180 Foglio 7 - Particella 286 sub 701 - graffato alla particella 646 sub 732 del foglio 8 - Categoria D/7 - R.C. € 7.664 Foglio 8 - Particella 13 sub 701 - graffato alla particella 524 sub 701 del foglio 8 - Categoria D/7 - R.C. € 2.286 Porzioni di fabbricato indivisi disposti su due livelli non comunicanti dall’interno attraverso un vano del montacarichi, ora in disuso, protetto da un ampia tettoia prospiciente il mappale 646 del foglio 8; sviluppa un superficie complessiva di 2.330 mq oltre la tettoia di 320 mq ed il vano montacarichi di mq 30,00. La struttura è stata realizzata in cemento armato con solai misti gettati in opera e tamponamenti perimetrali in muratura intonacata. Al piano terra i pavimenti sono in grès porcellanato ed i serramenti, non sono presenti locali ad uso servizi igienici. Parte del piano terra era destinata a portico di comunicazione con la proprietà posta a confine; attualmente è risultata chiusa da portoni carrai determinando un volume chiuso non conforme ai titoli edilizi; l’altezza interna dichiarata è pari a 3,60 m. Al piano primo parte della struttura è in cemento armato e parte con pilastri e travi in acciaio; i pavimenti sono principalmente in battuto di cemento, con qualche locale rifinito con pavimento in piastrelle di ceramica; è presente un controsoffitto in lamiera in parte rimosso ed in parte in fase di distacco; è presente un locale con tre bagni e relativo antibagno; l’altezza interna dichiarata è pari a 3,00 m sottotrave. La corte esterna di 2.700 mq risulta in parte pavimentata in blocchi di porfido o in calcestruzzo colorato ed in parte adibita a verde privato, con accesso sia dalla Via Diaz 27/29, attraverso i fondi serventi di stessa proprietà, posta ad una quota inferiore di circa 4,0 m, rispetto alla parte principale dell’ex stabilimento industriale. Il lato est è fortemente scosceso e sono presenti due scale di collegamento esterne. All’interno dell’area è localizzato un piccolo fabbricato destinalo a locale tecnico (pompa) di altezza catastalmente indicata in m 2,00, in pessime condizioni di conservazione Sono presenti sostanze chimiche che dovranno essere smaltite. Sono inoltre presenti elementi in cemento/amianto.
    Primo Identificativo2640462
    IndirizzoVia Diaz
    ProvinciaMonza e della Brianza
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramié 17 julio 2024 horas 15:002024-07-17T15:00:00
IndirizzoVia P.O. Vigliani 19
Prezzo base126.354,00
Offerta Minima126.354,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemar 16 julio 2024 horas 13:002024-07-16T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione13/05/20242024-05-13


SALE MIXED LIVE - Industrial building in Giussano (MB), Via Diaz - LOT 9

We collect offers for an industrial building with pertinential area.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 1:00 pm of day 16/07/2024, at office of Avv. Federica Commisso, located in Milano, Via dell'Annunciata 21

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 1:00 pm of day 16/07/2024

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 126,354.00

Sale operations will take place on 17 July 2024 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Detalles del procedimiento




ReceiverAvv. Commisso Federica

Documentos adjuntos

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9
  • Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9

Industrial building in Giussano (MB) - LOT 9

Giussano (MB)

Industrial building in Giussano (MB), Via Diaz - LOT 9

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Giussano at:
Sheet 7 - Parcel 286 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 3,180
Sheet 7 - Parcel 286 sub 701 - stapled to parcel 646 sub 732 of sheet 8 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 7,664
Sheet 8 - Parcel 13 sub 701 - stapled to parcel 524 sub 701 of sheet 8 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 2,286

Undivided portions of the building arranged on two levels not communicating from the inside through a compartment of the freight elevator, now disused, protected by a large canopy overlooking the map 646 of sheet 8; develops a total area of ​​2,330 square meters over the roof of 320 square meters and the elevator shaft of 30.00 square meters. The structure was built in reinforced concrete with mixed floors cast on site and perimeter infill in plastered masonry. On the ground floor the floors are in porcelain stoneware and the windows, there are no rooms for toilet use. Part of the ground floor was intended as a communication portico with the property on the border; currently it has been closed by driveways resulting in a closed volume that does not comply with building permits; the declared internal height is 3.60 m. On the first floor, part of the structure is in reinforced concrete and part with steel pillars and beams; the floors are mainly in concrete, with some rooms finished with ceramic tile floors; there is a sheet metal false ceiling partially removed and partially detaching; there is a room with three bathrooms and relative anteroom; the declared internal height is 3.00 m under the beam. The external courtyard of 2,700 square meters is partly paved in blocks of porphyry or colored concrete and partly used as a private green area, with access both from Via Diaz 27/29, through the serving funds of the same property, located at a lower level of approximately 4.0 m, compared to the main part of the former industrial plant. The east side is very steep and there are two external connecting stairs. Within the area there is a small building destined for a technical room (pump) with a cadastral height indicated at 2.00 m, in poor storage conditions
There are chemicals that need to be disposed of.
There are also elements in cement/asbestos.
  • Superficie: 2588 m2
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