Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server jue 14/11/2024 horas 04:27 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture - B

Lote 21

Subasta n.20582

Mobiliario y oficina > Mobiliario y equipamiento

  • Office Furniture - B 1
  • Office Furniture - B 2
  • Office Furniture - B 3
  • Office Furniture - B 4
  • Office Furniture - B 5
  • Office Furniture - B 6
  • + foto
  • Descripcion

The lot includes:

Low metal wardrobe with dark laminate top, n. 2 sliding doors - ref. 30
High metal cabinet with n. 2 hinged doors - ref. 31
Metal clothes hanger - ref. 32
Metal typing table with dark laminate top and n. 5 drawers - ref. 33
Rectangular desk in dark laminate dimensions about 200x90x80 cm - ref. 34
Chest of drawers in dark laminate with n. 3 drawers - ref. 35
Swivel armchair with wheels and armrests, black plastic structure and black leather seat - ref. 36
Metal typing table with dark laminate top and n. 5 drawers - ref. 40
High metal cabinet with n. 2 hinged doors - ref. 41
Rectangular desk in dark laminate dimensions about 200x90x80 cm - ref. 42
Swivel armchair with wheels and armrests, black plastic structure and black leather seat - ref. 45
Low metal wardrobe with dark laminate top, n. 2 sliding doors - ref. 46
Low metal wardrobe with dark laminate top, n. 2 sliding doors - ref. 47
Chest of drawers in dark laminate with n. 3 drawers - ref. 48
Metal clothes hanger - ref. 49


Lote suspendido por

Precio de reserva

Tramo mínimo € 25,00

Buyer's Premium 10,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 200,00

Gastos de administración € 75,00

IVA en el lote 22,00 %si fuera aplicable


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