Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server vie 07/03/2025 horas 03:21 | Europe/Rome

Polystyrene Recovery and Storage Plant

Lote 38

Subasta n.15448

Varias > Plantas completas

  • Polystyrene Recovery and Storage Plant 1
  • Descripción

The lot includes:

polystyrene recovery plant consisting of a waste grinding mill, dedusting filter and storage silos complete with material relaunch. Promass supplier, year 1995 - ref. 114 (to be revised)
n. 10 storage silos in seasoning expanded polystyrene of 78 cubic meters each. complete with pipes and pneumatic valves for transporting polystyrene to the various machines. Simar supplier, year 1995-1999 - ref. 116 (to be revised)


Lote suspendido por

Precio de reserva

Tramo mínimo € 250,00

Buyer's Premium 9,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 1.500,00

Gastos de administración € 150,00

IVA en el lote 22,00 %si fuera aplicable


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