Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server dom 09/03/2025 horas 22:35 | Europe/Rome

Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment

Lote 11

Subasta n.15151

Agricultura > Stock repuestos y accesorios

  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 1
  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 2
  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 3
  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 4
  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 5
  • Shelving and Spare Parts for Agricultural Equipment 6
  • + foto
  • Descripción

The lot includes:

n. 1 Industrial shelving h. 2.90 meters, width 90 cm, length 6 meters with 12 crosspieces (ruined and rusty) - ref. 26

various material composed of n. 1 muffler with protection, n. 3 metal pipes, n. 4 boxes with oil and air filters various brands and models, n. 2 glasses with gaskets, n. 1 blue cloth, n. 1 red air tank, Bobdioli and Pavesi sweeper without data, yellow vacuum cleaner, n. 1 battery charger, portotecnica mds 2280t pressure washer, n. 1 red roller, n. 1 metal structure with air filter, various hooks for tractors, n. 50 Cuno brand filters, Liverani brand trolley pump, n. 1 push sweeper, n. 1 Ondeo Nalco Unisafe equipment, n. 2 baskets with bolts, n. 12 platforms with various spare parts (part of the material located on the shelving ref. 26 very obsolete material 9) - ref. 27

warehouse consisting of n. 4 single lockers, n. 1 double locker room, n. 2 metal cabinets 2 doors, n. 1 display shelving on the wall, n. 1 workbench, n. 1 low wooden cabinet, n. 1 low cabinet 2 plastic doors, n. 1 wall shelving with various accessories and containers with fittings, n. 1 shelving with used paint and solvent containers, n. 5 plastic boxes with used solvents, cables and paints, n. 2 chairs without wheels, n. 1 red metal chest of drawers, n. 8 gondolas with separators, various plastic boxes with shims and washers, n. 1 typing table, n. 1 chair without wheels, n. 1 folding wooden chair, n. 1 plastic chair, n. 1 Start 610 battery charger, n. 1 Cemont b 35 battery charger, n. 2 wooden cabinets 2 doors, n. 1 carton with straps - ref. 64

spare parts warehouse consisting of shelving with n. 7 shoulders h. 3 meters, n. 24 shoulders h. 2.50 meters, n. 90 cm gondolas (some with separators, some without), n. 1 metal chest of drawers with 96 drawers containing bolts + washers and various, n. 138 plastic boxes 30x43 cm, n. 170 plastic boxes 20x29 cm, n. 58 plastic boxes 14x25 cm, n. 61 plastic boxes 10x14 cm, hoes various brands and models, various types of knives, various size pins, hammers for various sizes, connecting coils, filter cartridges, various types of valves, sachets with various types of nozzles, various types of reduction bushings, various types of arm rotule, wheel supports, springs for feeler, belts, n. 2 Betamatic battery chargers - ref. 65


Lote suspendido por

Precio de reserva

Tramo mínimo € 250,00

Buyer's Premium 15,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 350,00

Gastos de administración € 350,00

IVA en el lote 22,00 %si fuera aplicable


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