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Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE


Inmuebles > Bienes raíces comerciales

  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 1
  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 2
  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 3
  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 4
  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 5
  • Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE 6
  • + foto
  • Descripcion

OFFERS GATHERING - Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & SPA - COMPANY SALE

The amount indicated as the minimum offer must be understood as a reserve price, therefore all bids submitted for an amount equal to or greater than the reserve price, but lower than the base price, do not determine automatic acceptance, but will be subject to the unquestionable evaluation of the Bodies of the Procedure.

The company includes the ownership of the prestigious hotel complex in Sant'Alessio Siculo on the Taormina coast, the furnishings, capital goods and goodwill.
The Capo dei Greci Resort is built in the splendid mountain setting of Capo Sant'Alessio, where the architecture of the structure follows and is enveloped by the natural slope until it extends into the warm waters of the Mediterranean.
The structure is spread over a total area of 42,700 square meters built on steps that house the various buildings and uncovered areas of the hotel complex, such as bedrooms, a conference room, two restaurants, an amphitheater, two bars, two tennis courts, a spa area (wellness center) and large open areas.
The rooms are spread over four buildings and, in the current configuration, amount to 196 units, with various types including Classic, Superior, Deluxe and Junior Suite.
Half of the rooms have a beautiful sea view on the Riviera. It is possible to reorganize the units by reducing their number, so that all have a sea view.
The congress center has a maximum capacity of around 550 people and can host up to three different events at the same time.
The amphitheater is located in such a position as to have the enchanting Castle of Sant'Alessio and the bay of Taormina as a backdrop.
Two lifts carved into the rock connect the tourist complex to a state-owned area on which, subject to the granting of the concession, a removable platform can be installed close to the cliff.
In recent years, platforms with a variable surface area up to 1,700 square meters have been built, set up as a solarium with deck chairs, sunbeds and umbrellas, an independent kitchen and a bar.
The main part of the structure develops above the State Road 114, which includes several buildings and uncovered areas and exactly:
- four buildings, registered in parcels 494, 440, 496, 515, 441;
- two restaurants, registered under parcels 531 ("Il Dattero") and 728 ("Il Rosmarino");
- an amphitheater, registered in parcel 725;
- a congress center with adjacent coffee break on the first floor. A wellness center with swimming pool on the second floor, registered under parcels 583,748,749;
- two large swimming pools with services, open spaces and service rooms, one of which is represented by parcels 710, 711, 713, 714, 719 and the other by parcels 728, 507, 509, 736, 723, 727, 744, 729;
- two bars, one called "La dolce vita" inside the swimming pool of the same name, and the other "La Piazzetta", inside the building represented by parcels 716, 535 and 536 which also includes offices, the reception and a large terrace communicating with the bar, as well as ancillary services;
- two sports fields (for tennis and five-a-side football), a fitness area, two multifunctional areas, as well as large open spaces, some for parking, some for the guests of the facility, and others for greenery or internal roads;
- Below the public road there is a safety staircase which leads to the site where, subject to the granting of state concession, a platform at sea can be installed. The site can also be reached by means of two lifts and a tunnel about one hundred meters long.
The hotel structure is registered, in the Real Estate Registry of the Municipality of Sant'Alessio, in the company of the company "Albazzurra Hotel & Resort s.r.l.", sheet 8, seamed parcels: 440 sub 23, 441 sub 22, 494 sub 48, 496 sub 47, 507, 509, 515 sub 27, 531 sub 1, 532 sub 11, 535 sub 4, 536 sub 2, 583, 710, 711, 713, 714, 716, 719, 723, 725, 727, 728, 729, 736, 744, 746, 748, 749, and particles: 497, 501, 513, 532 sub 5, 532 sub 6, 533, 515 sub 25, 515 sub 26, 751; and in part, in relation to the external areas of relief and access to the roads, in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Sant'Alessio Siculo, sheet 8, parcels: 181, 512, 493, 124, 141, 348, 349, 350, 351, 495, 511, 539, 523, 514, 518, 522, 525, 530, 500, 502, 503, 712, 750, 752, 720, 721, 726.
The real estate units registered on sheet 8, parcels 440 sub 15, 16 and 20 are not part of the lot, because they belong to third parties; 496 sub 3, 5, 11 and 12; 515 sub 17 and 18; 532 sub 3 and 4.
For a more exact identification and description, please refer to the notary certification and the attached technical reports.
The movable property and goodwill better described in the attached appraisal form part of the company offered for sale.
The lot does not include the total shareholding in the share capital of the company Magna Grecia Hotel S.r.l., with headquarters in Sant'Alessio Siculo (ME), Via Nazionale, 421, tax code and VAT number 03201980830 – REA ME220320.
Debts admitted to bankruptcy liabilities and those that may have accrued during the provisional year are excluded.
The resort is open to the public between April and October each year.
The company is managed by the Official in bankruptcy in provisional exercise (temporary continuation of the exercise of the company art. 104, paragraph 2 of the Bankruptcy Law).
Only two employment relationships are full-time and permanent. The other relationships, having a seasonal nature, have ceased, except for the one with the caretaker of the structure - expiring on March 31, 2023 - in progress.
The successful tenderer is obliged to exercise the options stipulated by the trustee for the purchase of the units surveyed in sheet 8 part 532 sub 3 and 4, under the conditions indicated in the attached documents.
He is also obliged to fulfill the agreement that will be formed as a result of the possible acceptance of the proposal to purchase the units surveyed in sheet 8 part 440 sub 15 and 16, detail 515, sub 17 and 18.
The consideration due as a result of the aforementioned purchase options and proposals is not included in the consideration due for the hotel company.
The successful tenderer will also have the right to make use of any other options, however named, acquired by the bankruptcy trustee before the deadline for the submission of offers has expired. The latter options will not bind the successful tenderer.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

The gathering will be done using the following modes:

All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address in conjunction with the documents required.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.


Lote suspendido por

Oferta mínima € 13.516.800,00

Buyer's Premium see specific terms


Solicitar información Solicitar visita Cond. Generales Cond. Específicas PVP data
ID Inserzione1842647
ID Procedura698428
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0830480098
TribunaleTribunale di MESSINA
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2018
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3722206
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1686843
Descrizione (IT)Cessione intera azienda alberghiera - Capo dei Greci Taormina Coast - Resort Hotel & Spa. Raccolta offerte telematica sulla piattaforma ANNUNCIO 16946
Primo Identificativo1686843
IndirizzoCapo Sant'Alessio
ComuneSant'Alessio Siculo
  • Bene
    ID Bene2278851
    Descrizione (IT)L’azienda comprende la proprietà del prestigioso complesso alberghiero a Sant’Alessio Siculo sulla riviera di Taormina, gli arredi, i beni strumentali e l’avviamento. La struttura si sviluppa su un’area complessiva di 42.700 mq realizzata su gradoni che accolgono i vari edifici e le aree scoperte del complesso alberghiero.Le camere sono dislocate su quattro edifici e, nell’attuale configurazione, ammontano a 196 unità, con varie tipologie tra le quali Classic, Superior, Deluxe e Junior Suite. L’anfiteatro è sito in posizione tale da avere come sfondo l’incantevole Castello di Sant’Alessio e la baia di Taormina. Due ascensori scavati nella roccia collegano il complesso turistico ad un’area demaniale sulla quale, previo rilascio della concessione, può essere installata, a ridosso della scogliera, una piattaforma amovibile. Al di sopra della Strada Statale 114 si sviluppa la parte principale della struttura, che include parecchi edifici ed aree scoperte ed esattamente:  - quattro corpi di fabbrica, censiti alle particelle 494, 440, 496, 515, 441; - due ristoranti, censiti alle particelle 531 ("Il Dattero")e728 ("Il Rosmarino"); - un anfiteatro, censito alla particella 725; - un centro congressi con adiacente coffee break sul primo piano. Un centro benessere con piscina sul secondo piano, censiti alle particelle 583,748,749; - due grandi piscine con servizi, spazi scoperti e sale di servizio, una delle quali rappresentata dalle particelle710, 711, 713, 714, 719 e l’altra dalle particelle728, 507, 509, 736, 723, 727, 744, 729; - due bar, uno chiamato “La dolce vita" dentro la piscina dello stesso nome, e l’altro "La Piazzetta", all’interno dell’edificio rappresentato dalle particelle 716, 535 e 536 che include, altresì, uffici, la reception e una vasta terrazza in comunicazione con il bar, così come servizi ancellari; - due campi sportivi (per tennis e calcio a cinque), un’area fitness, due ambienti multifunzione, così come ampi spazi aperti, alcuni per parcheggio, alcuni a servizio degli ospiti della struttura, ed altri destinati a verde o a viabilità interna. La struttura alberghiera è censita, nel Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Sant’Alessio, in ditta alla società "Albazzurra Hotel & Resort s.r.l.", foglio 8, particelle aggraffate: 440 sub 23, 441 sub 22, 494 sub 48, 496 sub 47, 507, 509, 515 sub 27, 531 sub 1, 532 sub 11, 535 sub 4, 536 sub 2, 583, 710, 711, 713, 714, 716, 719, 723, 725, 727, 728, 729, 736, 744, 746, 748, 749,  e particelle:497, 501, 513, 532 sub 5, 532 sub 6, 533, 515 sub 25, 515 sub 26, 751; ed in parte, in relazione alle aree esterne di rilievo e accesso alle strade, nel Catasto Terreni del Comune di Sant’Alessio Siculo, foglio 8, particelle: 181, 512, 493, 124, 141, 348, 349, 350, 351, 495, 511, 539, 523, 514, 518, 522, 525, 530, 500, 502, 503, 712, 750, 752, 720, 721, 726. Non fanno parte del lotto, perché appartenenti a terzi, le unità immobiliari censite al foglio 8, particelle 440 sub 15, 16 e 20; 496 sub 3, 5, 11 e 12; 515 sub 17 e 18; 532 sub 3 e 4. Il lotto non comprende la partecipazione totalitaria al capitale sociale della società Magna Grecia Hotel S.r.l., con sede in Sant’Alessio Siculo (ME), Via Nazionale, 421, c.f. e p.iva 03201980830 – REA ME220320. Sono esclusi i debiti ammessi al passivo del fallimento e quelli che dovessero risultare maturati nel corso dell’esercizio provvisorio. Il resort è aperto al pubblico nel periodo compreso tra aprile e ottobre di ciascun anno. L’azienda è condotta dal Curatore fallimentare in esercizio provvisorio (continuazione temporanea dell’esercizio dell’impresa, art. 104, comma 2, L.F.). Solo due rapporti di lavoro sono a tempo pieno ed indeterminato. Gli altri rapporti, avendo carattere stagionale, sono in atto cessati, tranne quello con il custode della struttura - in scadenza il 31 marzo 2023 - in corso.
    Primo Identificativo2278851
    IndirizzoCapo Sant'Alessio
    ComuneSant'Alessio Siculo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramar 07 febrero 2023 horas 12:002023-02-07T12:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base16.896.000,00
Offerta Minima13.516.800,00
Rialzo Minimo100.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemar 07 febrero 2023 horas 12:002023-02-07T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione23/12/20222022-12-23

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