Gerente de ventas telemático y sitio de publicidad autorizado por el Ministerio de Justicia

Hora del server vie 14/03/2025 horas 10:08 | Europe/Rome

1 Iron Working Table

Lote 71

Subasta n.387

Mobiliario y oficina > Mobiliario y equipamiento

  • 1 Iron Working Table 1
  • Descripción

1 Iron Working Table, 2 Floors/3 Drawers, Cm 250X90X90
With Vise With 120; Inside The Drawers:
1 A Series Of Keys Compass - 4 Calipers, 1 Vernier Digital Caliper - 1 Crowbar - 2 Pipe Wrenches - 1 Extractor - 2 Clamps From
Electrician - 1 Rubber Hammer - 1 Iron Hammer - 2 Keys
At - 1 Lima - 1 Compare With Magnetic Plan - From 1 Scissors


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