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Hora del server vie 15/11/2024 horas 12:16 | Europe/Rome

Period Furniture - C

Lote 66

Subasta n.15739

Arte e collecciones > Muebles

  • Period Furniture - C 1
  • Period Furniture - C 2
  • Period Furniture - C 3
  • Period Furniture - C 4
  • Period Furniture - C 5
  • Period Furniture - C 6
  • + foto
  • Descripcion

The lot includes:

Wooden desk from the early twentieth century - ref. 248
Small chest with a geometric panel on the front in the style of the seventeenth century. Lacks - ref. 246
1960s armchair with ovoid shape, green color - ref. 240
Modern tallboy, in wood, and matching chest of drawers - ref. 247
Massage bed - ref. 251


Lote suspendido por

Precio de reserva

Tramo mínimo € 25,00

Buyer's Premium 10,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 250,00

Gastos de administración € 35,00


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