Residential Property at () - lot 1
Cagnano Varano
IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO APPRAISAL (LOT A) as described in the expert report in the records of the procedure:
Lot consisting of a residence in Cagnano Varano at Via S. Pertini, 4/A.
The residence is located on the third floor of a building with a total of 6 levels, including one completely underground floor with access from Via N. Paganini, one semi-basement floor with access from Via A. Vivaldi, and 4 levels entirely above ground with access from Via S. Pertini, without an elevator. The residence occupies the entire top floor, consists of 6 large rooms with two bathrooms and numerous accessories, for a total of 12.5 cadastral rooms. Equipped with a terrace at level of over 100 sqm, of which 37 sqm are covered.
The property that constitutes the lot is located in Cagnano Varano (FG), in a condominium on the outskirts of the built-up area, at the intersection of Via A. Vivaldi and Via S. Pertini, with access from the condominium door on Via Pertini, civic 4/A.
It is a real estate unit on the third floor of a building with a total of 6 floors, of which 4 are above ground, one is semi-basement, and one is underground. At the level of its own floor, the residence is equipped with a large terrace, partly cantilevered, on the east side, while on the opposite side, facing west, there are a total of 5 dormers, as it is a mansard floor built under the roof.
In the Land Registry, the foreclosed real estate unit is registered in sheet 34 of the Municipality of Cagnano Varano, parcel 649, sub. 21, category A/2, consisting of 12.5 rooms.
The expert, in the appraisal signed by him in the records of the procedure, states that the cadastral boundaries of the property in question, which coincide with the boundaries of the building because the property occupies the entire top floor, in a counterclockwise direction, are constituted by Via A. Vivaldi on the west side, the residual portion of parcel 648 on the south and east sides (on which the private road to reach the underground garages is located) and Via S. Pertini on the north side.
As stated by the expert in the appraisal signed by him in the records of the procedure, the residence constituting Lot A is completely illegal because its volume was otherwise unachievable (only 3 floors are allowed in the area), because the entire volume – despite having characteristics of habitability – has been unlawfully declared as technical volume, because its dimensions exceed any dimension abstractly authorized as technical volume.