MIXED SYNCHRONOUS SALE - Commercial complex in Frigento (AV) - LOT 1
Service Center for businesses, for a total of 10,119.00 sqm (from which 113 sqm have been deducted compared to the appraisal in
the acts of the procedure in the green area following the cadastral registration that took place during the procedure) composed as follows:
- Covered area sqm. 2,800.00
- Driveable area sqm. 4,000.00
- Pedestrian areas sqm. 1,700.00
- Amphitheater sqm. 320.00
- Green area sqm. 1,299.00 (formerly 1,412.00)
Bids for purchase may be submitted by Wednesday 26/03/2025 at 12:00.
In case of online bidding, users are advised to start the offer compilation operations well in advance of the deadline
The sale operations will take place on 27/03/2025 starting at 11:00
For further information on the lot and the participation methods, please consult the sale notice and the attached documentation