Warehouse in Melilli (SR)
Melilli (SR)
Warehouse in Melilli (SR), Bondifè locality
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Melilli on Sheet 59:
Parcel 997 – Category D/8 – R.C. € 11,100
Warehouse located outside the urban area not far from the petrochemical hub.
The building is classified by the P.R.G. as zone D1: "productive-artisanal, commercial activities and services", and its construction took place between 2005 and 2009.
The warehouse consists of two portions: one dedicated to production and the offices.
The ground floor is divided into a production area and a portion used as offices; in the production area, there is a room used as a changing room with a bathroom and sinks, while in the office area, seven offices, an archive, two bathrooms, and a break room have been created.
The first floor, accessible via the stairs at the entrance of the ground floor, is entirely dedicated to offices and includes 7 offices, a meeting room, a storage room, an archive, and three bathrooms.
Inside, all rooms are tiled with ceramic tiles, including the bathrooms, which are also tiled on the walls. The flooring of the workshop is instead in smoothed concrete. The internal doors have a dark brown wood effect finish, while the frames are made of aluminum with double glazing. The walls are plastered, and all rooms have false ceilings.
The property is currently connected to the electricity network and has an Imhoff type wastewater disposal system. It also has a climate control system hidden behind the false ceilings.
Overall, the property is in good condition both inside and outside. In the external area in front of the building, corresponding to the pedestrian and vehicular entrance, the flooring is made of smoothed concrete and can accommodate some parked cars. Behind and beside the south side of the warehouse, there is an external area to assist mechanical processing.