Factory in Polignano a Mare (BA)
Polignano a Mare (BA)
Factory in Polignano a Mare (BA), Contrada Macchie
The properties are located in the Municipality of Polignano a Mare (Ba) in C.da Macchie and specifically:
1) full ownership of an industrial factory located in the Municipality of Polignano a Mare (Ba) in C.da Macchie, floor T-1, registered in the land registry at sheet 6, parcel 277 sub 1, Cat. D/1, income 15,958.52;
2) full ownership of a property located in the Municipality of Polignano a Mare (Ba) in C.da Macchie, floor T, registered in the land registry at sheet 6, parcel 258, Cat. D/7, income 61.97;
It is specified that property no. 2 is an Enel Cabin serving the industrial factory referred to in no. 1. The following structures are appurtenant to the factory, as reported in Table A01 attached to the appraisal report: Shed "A", Shed "B", Storage, Document Storage, Dog House, First Aid.
The structures have agricultural use and are used as a processing room for agricultural products, offices, changing rooms, services, and cold storage for the preservation of processed products.
The industrial factory is used for the production and subsequent sale of fresh fruits and vegetables. The intended use is commercial.