Residential Property at () - lot 1
Prata Principato Ultra
Real estate unit of civil type on a cadastral level (Second Floor), consisting of an apartment (A.1.) located on the Second Floor, situated in the Municipality of Prata Principato Ultra (AV) at Via Guglielmo Marconi no. 57, fully and exclusively owned, identified in the N.C.E.U. on Sheet: 11, Parcel: 1281, Subordinate: 5, linked Parcel: 1281, Subordinate: 10, consisting of: 7 rooms, Category: A/2, Class: 2, Cadastral Income: € 506.13, all for a total of 184 sqm of total cadastral surface excluding uncovered areas 184 sqm. The apartment is located on the second floor of the residential building located in the Municipality of Prata Principato Ultra (AV) at Via Guglielmo Marconi cadastral number 57, it is in poor maintenance condition and requires complete renovation work. It is accessed from the landing door in front of those who, climbing the stairs, reach the relevant landing and consists of five rooms and accessories, with an overlying attic-technical volume of exclusive relevance connected to the described dwelling via an internal staircase, all for a total of seven cadastral rooms, all bordering with the common landing and staircase, with the aforementioned Via Guglielmo Marconi, with property XXXX, with property XXX on the lower floor and with property XXX on the right, or any respective successors, except for others.