Portion of industrial warehouse in Terni
Portion of industrial warehouse in Terni, Polymer Industrial Zone, Via delle Fibre 3
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Terni on Sheet 103:
Parcel 43 – Sub. 14 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 2,168.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 15 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 27,704.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 16 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 1,620.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 17 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 1,740.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 18 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 3,360.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 19 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 1,680.00
Parcel 43 – Sub. 20 – Category D/1 – R.C. € 33,226.00
Portion of industrial warehouse divided into multiple real estate units, with an attached canopy/storage warehouse, all located in Terni, Polymer Industrial Zone.
The complex was built in several phases between 1970 and 2001, and sits on an industrial land area with a cadastral surface between covered and uncovered of 59,261 sqm.
It develops as follows:
• Canopy/Storage warehouse - sub 14 – develops on the ground floor with a metal supporting structure and sheet metal roofing. The area within its perimeter is completely fenced with a concrete wall topped with a square mesh. The flooring is asphalted.
• Warehouse/Processing Tower - sub 15 - building in reinforced concrete with a flat roof (roof terrace) articulated on 5 above-ground floors and one basement served by two internal stairs and a freight elevator.
• Warehouse/Canteen Area - sub 16 - Building on a single above-ground floor with a reinforced concrete structure clad and flat roof. The windows are in painted aluminum and double glazing.
• Warehouse/Offices and services area - sub 17-18-19 building on a single above-ground floor consists of an entrance, meeting room, various offices, and services. Internally, the partitions are in movable panels, the flooring is in various types of carpet and part in porcelain stoneware.
• Warehouse/Processing-Warehouses-Laboratory and services - sub 20 - building in reinforced concrete articulated on a single floor divided into the area designated for processing, laboratory, services, and technical rooms. Part of the laboratories and warehouses are suspended ceilings, while the main processing area is full height.
The site where the properties are located, from an urban planning perspective, is included in Zone D for large industry (D1) of which the mentioned chemical pole (D12) is part, which, in turn, is substantially incorporated into a vast artisan-industrial area.
The road network allows easy access to the area from the main road, also due to the presence of the new connection route of the same industrial area with the nearby Marattana road and with the E/45-PERUGIA/CESENA.
It should be noted that the properties subject to evaluation have undergone some demolition interventions of the external cladding to allow the removal of movable goods and equipment present also inside the industrial buildings subject to bankruptcy and some parts of the systems, particularly regarding the ventilation system and the electrical system.
In any case, the systems were already considered obsolete in the previous report.
There is a right of way established for the good father of the family in favor of the properties belonging to the bankrupt company and subject to sale and against the area identified with sub. 13 of parcel 43. (this last parcel is not for sale as it is not owned by the bankrupt company)