Industrial Property in Costacciaro (PG) - lot 2
Costacciaro (Perugia)
- full ownership rights on n. 2 real estate units intended for laboratory located on the ground floor of a larger industrial/craft building, located in Perugia, Municipality of Costacciaro, S.S. Flaminia n. 208. The property in question consists of the unit identified with sub. 20, of approx. 190 sqm, divided into an open-space area, a small office, and two service areas each with a toilet and n. 3 toilets, with direct access on the back side of the building through a single-leaf door, and the unit identified with sub. 21, of approx. 380.00 sqm, which is registered as a single room but which, in fact, is divided into two communicating sections of similar surface area, with a fire door for communication. The whole is registered at the C.U. of the Municipality of Costacciaro on sheet 20, part. 84 sub 20 (C/3, class 2, sqm 182) and sub 21 (C/3, class 2, sqm 376).