Building area in Noicattaro (BA) - LOT 3
Noicattaro (BA)
Building area in Noicattaro (BA), Locality Cipierno - LOT 3
Building land in Noicattaro identifiable in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Noicattaro sheet 38 parcels 1397, 1400, 1421, 1499, for a total area of approx. 417 located east of the center of Noicattaro in the Cipierno district and in the immediate vicinity of the town, constituting a single land body.
Sheet 38 - Parcel 1500, The land of 92m2 is part of the Allotment Plan of sector no. 12 "Cipierno", identified with lot 28/L together with parcel 1394 of 79m2 not attached.
Sheet 38 - Parcels 1397,1499 The land is part of the parcelling plan of sector no. 12 "Cipierno", identified with lot 28/M with a total cadastral area of 171 sq m (sum of parcels 1397 of 96 sq m and 1499 of 75 sq m).
Sheet 38 Particles 1400, 1421, 1498 The land falls within the Allotment Plan of sector no. 12 "Cipierno", identified with lot 28/N of the total cadastral area equal to 243 square meters (sum of the 1400 square meters of 142, 1421 of 95 sq m, 1498 of 6 sq m).
For the areas covered by this report, the general, executive and planning planning instruments in force in the municipality of Noicattaro are the
following :
– General Regulatory Plan approved with Regional Council Resolution n.1352 of 31 August 2004 and entered into force with the Publication in the Official Bulletin of the Puglia Region n.110 of 15 September 2004;
– General Act of Address for the Implementation of the PRG approved by the C.C. with report n.53 dated 12.19.2005 which has regulatory value with regard to the determination and localization of the need for public residential building (E.R.P.) to the extent of 41.33% of the entire housing volume of the sector;
– Subdivision plan of sector n.12 “Cipierno”, approved with City Council Resolution n.47 of 09.27.2007 and subdivision agreement signed by the notary Maria Lacalendola of 20 November 2008, rep. No. 43199 and subsequent stipulated agreements.