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Sale Mixed Live Law court of Milano Asset Liquidation n. 176/2018

Portion of building with different use in Milano - LOT 1

  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano

starting priceEUR 296.000,00

Participation state

Experiment number1


Minimum offerEUR 222.000,00

Bid incrementEUR 3.000,00

Type of competitionMixed Live

Offer presentation deadlineTue 18/02/2020 at 13:00

Sale timeWed 19/02/2020 at 16:00

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutes

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione839650
ID Procedura445791
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
Anno Procedura2018
  • Soggetto
    TipoLiquidatore giudiziale
    ID Anagrafica1588734
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto759733
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per una porzione di immobile costituito da appartamento, ufficio e locali tecnici con terrazza esclusiva a Milano, Via Privata Rufo Publio Rutilio 22 - LOTTO 2
Descrizione (DE)Si raccolgono offerte per una porzione di immobile costituito da appartamento, ufficio e locali tecnici con terrazza esclusiva a Milano, Via Privata Rufo Publio Rutilio 22 - LOTTO 2
Primo Identificativo759733
IndirizzoVia Privata Rufo Publio Rutilio 22
  • Bene
    ID Bene1196982
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Milano al Foglio 40: Particella 56 – Sub 6 - Categoria A/3 - Classe 5 – Consistenza 7,5 vani - R.C. € 1.181,40; Particella 56 - Sub 709 - Categoria A/10 - Classe 2 – Consistenza 3,5 vani - R.C. € 1.437,04; Particella 56 – Sub 503 – Categoria C/2 – Consistenza 8 mq – R.C. € 7,75; Particella 56 – Sub 506 – Categoria C/2 – Consistenza 8 mq – R.C. € 10,33 Le unità immobiliari in oggetto si trovano nella periferia nord di Milano, in uno stabile costruito negli anni 50 costituito da una porzione adibita ad abitazione, una ad ufficio, locali tecnici e terrazzo. L’appartamento, di 180 mq, è disposto su due livelli al piano primo e sottotetto, ed è composto da 4 locali oltre a cucina e tre bagni. I due piani sono stati oggetto di ristrutturazione in periodi diversi. L’accesso si ha dalla scala condominiale direttamente su via Publio Rutilio Rufo. Tutti gli impianti sono autonomi, ad esclusione dell’impianto idrico che risulta essere in comune con le altre unità. Tutti gli impianti sono a norma ma mancanti delle certificazioni. I locali tecnici, dove si trova la centrale elettrica, sono ad uso esclusivo dell’appartamento, mentre la terrazza è in condivisione con l’unità adibita ad ufficio. L’ufficio è sito al piano primo del medesimo immobile, ha accesso esclusivamente dal terrazzo ed è composto da due locali, corridoio e bagno. Attualmente sono utilizzati come magazzino e risultano mancanti di impianto di riscaldamento. Annesso all’unità c’è un piccolo cortile con scala a chiocciola che da accesso all’ufficio.
    Primo Identificativo1196982
    IndirizzoVia Privata Rufo Publio Rutilio 22
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 19 February 2020 at 16:002020-02-19T16:00:00
IndirizzoCorso Genova 27
Prezzo base296.000,00
Offerta Minima222.000,00
Rialzo Minimo3.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 18 February 2020 at 13:002020-02-18T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione20/12/20192019-12-20

Lot description

SALE MIXED LIVE - Portion of building with different use in Milano, Via Privata Rufo Publio Rutilio 22 - LOT 2

We collect offers for a portion of building consisting of apartment, office and technical rooms with exclusive terrace.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 13:00 of day 18/02/2020, at office of Rag. Adele Antonia Vasilotta, located in Milano, via Corso Genova 27

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage website before 13:00 of day 19/02/2020

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 296,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 19 February 2020 starting at 16:00

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure's details

Law courtMilano

TypeAsset Liquidation


ReceiverRag. Vasilotta Adele

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano
  • Portion of building with different use in Milano

Portion of building with different use in Milano


Portion of building with different use in Milano, Via Rufo Publio Rutilio 22 - LOT 2

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Milano at sheet 40:

Parcel 56 – Sub 6 - Category A/3 - Class 5 – Consistency 7,5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 1.181,40;
Parcel 56 - Sub 709 - Category A/10 - Class 2 – Consistency 3,5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 1.437,04;
Parcel 56 – Sub 503 – Category C/2 – Consistency 8 sqm – Cadastral Rent € 7,75;
Parcel 56 – Sub 506 – Category C/2 – Consistency 8 sqm – Cadastral Rent € 10,33

The property units are located in the northern suburbs of Milan, in a building built in the 50s consisting of a portion used as an apartment, an office, technical rooms and a terrace.
The apartment, of 180 sqm, is on two levels on the first floor and the attic of the building and consists of 4 rooms as well as a kitchen and three bathrooms. The two floors have been restructured at different times.
Access is from the condominium staircase directly onto via Publio Rutilio Rufo. All the systems are autonomous, with the exception of the water system which is in common with the other units. All the systems are up to standard but missing the certifications.
The technical rooms, where the power station is located, are for the exclusive use of the apartment, while the terrace is shared with the office unit.
The office is located on the first floor of the same building, has access only from the terrace and consists of two rooms, corridor and bathroom. Currently they are used as a warehouse and are missing a heating system. Annexed to the unit is a small courtyard with a spiral staircase that leads to the office.
  • Square Meters: 322 mq
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