Apartment with garage in Aci Catena (CT)
Aci Catena (CT)
Apartment with garage in Aci Catena (CT), via Turi D’Agostino 88
Apartment located in Aci Catena, via Turi D'Agostino, n. 88, registered in the NCEU of the Municipality of Aci Catena, on sheet 3:
Parcel 395 - Sub 5 -cat A/2, Rooms 5, Cadastral Rent 158.92
Garage located in Aci Catena, via G. Marconi, n. 135, registered in the NCEU of the Municipality of Aci Catena, on sheet 3:
Parcel 395 - Sub 17 - Category C/6 - Surface 22 m2 - Cadastral Rent 40.90.
Town planning and cadastral situation
The CTU's report shows that the two real estate units (apartment on the first floor and garage on the T floor) are part of a condominium building with three to four floors above ground, built at the end of the 1970s. The maintenance conditions of the condominium building are good in relation to the period of construction of the building.
The attached property was built with building permit no. 220/77, issued on 06.28.1978, and subsequent building permit in variation n. 5098, issued on 06.11.1978. From the comparison between the approved project and the cadastral plan, the property is substantially compliant with the state of the places with the exception of a small veranda built on the south-facing balcony of the apartment and for a slight discrepancy in the garage, where two separate units were originally envisaged from a common wall.
All costs for building regularization have already been deducted from the basic auction price and amount to € 2,500.00.