Garage in Gravina di Catania (CT) - LOT 2
Gravina di Catania (CT)
Garage in Gravina di Catania (CT), via Guglielmo Oberdan n. 12 - LOT 2
Garage in Gravina di Catania, via Guglielmo Oberdan n. 12, on the ground floor, staircase D (commercial property, garage/parking space), marked with the internal number "51", with a cadastral area of square meters
Reported in the Real Estate Registry of the Municipality of Gravina di Catania: - without urban section, sheet 6, parcel 939, Sub 51, category C/6, class 6, consistency and cadastral area sqm 17, cadastral income of Euro 90.43, in the Cadastre via Fratelli Bandiera n. 90/A, floor T.
The CFU has found that the buildings in question are subject to the surface right restriction and for the removal of this restriction has calculated a total cost (per apartment and garage) of 3,500.00 €.