Building land in Potenza, Epitaffio locality
The building lands for auction are located just 2 km from the city center, in an expansion area with residential vocation.
They have a surface area of 2,505 sqm.
According to the General Regulatory Plan, they fall into:
-Area subject to confirmed or modified plan (PdL F4B1 PRUSST)
-Inhabited center, defined according to the New Highway Code
Lotting Plan F4B1-PRUSST former Fornace La Sala - The completion of the area outlined in the RU graphs occurs through a specific amendment to the current Lotting Plan. The PA, in accordance with the contents of the G.C. resolution no. 84/2007, provides for private building with the following indices and parameters, derived from the dimensional data mentioned in the aforementioned resolution:
-- Et: 0.49 sqm/sqm
-- Uses:
-- Residential 65% of the total Sul;
-- Tertiary/Commercial 20% of the total Sul;
-- Public interest activities 15% of the total Sul;
-- Maximum height equal to that of the current PdL.
Land Registry of the Municipality of Potenza on Sheet 29:
Parcels 3479 - 3847 - 4895 - 4897 - 4899 - 5022 - 5026 - 5028 - 5030
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Retail surface: 2505 sqm
Area: 2.505 sqm
Lot Code: F3A