Warehouse in Brescia, Via Carlo Pisacane - LOT 3
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Brescia on Sheet 15:
Parcel 1963 - Sub. 83 - Category C/2 - Area 1,893 sqm - R.C. € 6,794.00
Real estate unit intended for storage located on the second basement floor of a building complex, called condominium Stella, with mixed uses. The ground floor consists of commercial activities and the upper floors feature residential and office units. The vehicular access is from via Galileo Galilei, via a ramp shared with other real estate units.
There are correctable cadastral discrepancies.
It is noted that along the perimeter of the condominium there are numerous air vents with metal grilles above, some of which are the responsibility of the subunits mentioned in this notice, which require consolidation and safety interventions, as better specified in the attached documents.
For further information, please consult the appraisal (Lot 3) and the attached documentation.
Retail surface: 1893 sqm
Area: 1.893 sqm