N. 2 plastics n.F865654 headlights, taillights n.2.plastiche n.F860140, 1 full n.700000717 headlight, 1 lamp complete 7 SGRV n.F865242, 1 lamp complete 7 SGRV n.F865240, 3 lights Full n.F860110 left, 2 glass Specc. Lat. n.1035.0610, 1 arrow ant. sx n.F865940, 1 arrow ant.dx n. F865936, 1 buzzer back F 862194, ant.scania n.1603.87150 1 arrow, 2 beacon work n.860495, 1 complete front headlight. n.34513800, 1 nF 860500 lighthouse work, 2 light full reverse nF 860100, 2 electrical outlets n.00580700, 2 plugs n. N418130, 2 plugs n. N4201100, plugs n.111129 # 2, # 5 arrows lat. sx n.F864265, 3 lights SIDE MARKER n. F865214, 8 arrows lat.dx n. F864260, 4 lights SIDE MARKER n.F865630, 1 blochetto door fastons n. N418260, 2 lights SIDE MARKER n. F865132, n.5 footprint n.FC63747 lights, 1 light plate light n. F865242, # 1 connector rinf 220 n. B750568, 1 door relay n. B201122, 10 plastic parts No. F865368, 6 light SIDE MARKER n. F 865212, # 1 plate light left n. F865408, 1 number plate light Right n. F865406, 1 spiral air yellow n. N410400, red No. 1 spiral air. N410410, 3 panels trailers n. F878202, # 5 No motive panels. F 878102, 1 glass lat. No cabin. 98407399, 1 cap specc.lat. n. F965050, 1 cap Specc. lat. n. F965052, 1 glass Specc. lat. n. 302.02.09, 1 glass Specc. lat. n. F964864, 1 glass Specc. lat. n. 1017.T 0, 1 alternator 45 STAR-4018 HIGH-2755, 1 pulley APV1048. - Ref. 126
N. 2 shock absorbers MONROE MAGNUM T 1137, 1 glass front. farm tractor, 1 suitcase (disassembles tire valves), 1 suitcase (navigator TXT), 1 suitcase (cables for road tractors Texa), 1 case (force multiplier). - Ref. 128
N. 2 Blower heat convector MAC 50 - ref. 139
N. 1 Upload battierie 12V / 24V, 1 pneumatic pump for oil, part.no 3.1 / 94 CTR no 20090112 8-0099, 1 pneumatic pump for oil, part no S 1/94 CTR no 2008060317 to 0184, n. 2 pneumatic pumps for oil mod. S 1/94 n.seriale 2010194512009, n.5 metal containers for 4 drums. - Ref. 150
N. 1 tank of 25 liters of washing liquid, 1 empty cart, 2 complete trolleys. - Ref. 147
N. 200 Approximately between sleeves, reducers and connectors in politiliene of various diameters, n.3 valves in plastic material. - Ref. 165
N. 3 Analyzers BIOGAS. - Ref. 155
N. 20 bins of 1300 liters attack bologna more din. - Ref. 177
N. 1 portable generator PGE TOL HP 5.5. - Ref. 161
N. 30 bulkheads for the fence galvanized sheet former 244 - ref. 181
N. 1 portable generator GE 4500 - ref. 157
N. 1 Decespugliatore HUSQUARM 128RJ, 1 brushcutter ECHO SRM 350 ES. - Ref. 159
N. 1 drill battery (2 batteries), 3 pneumatic guns, flexible # 5 of which 3 adults and 2 children, 1 spararivetti pneumatic, 1 torch. - Ref. 129-130-131-132
N. 1 generator GE 4000, mat.133591. - Ref. 148
N. 1 Turbocharger n.8110129. - Ref. 127
N. 13 oil pumps, manual. - Ref. 151
N. 1 Blower portable shoulder AM 162 - ref. 162
N. 1 case (air test VALEO), 1 suitcase (threading pipe), 1 suitcase (heat gun). - Ref. 141
N. 1 Chainsaw 3602847. - ref. 145
N. 1 screwdriver METABO BS 18LI. - Ref. 156
N. 1 Liquids Aspira Ghibli. - Ref. 158
N. 1 Mola more brush-counter mat. 0304 - ref. 146
N. 1 Pneumatic pump for oil, 1 pneumatic pump with a 20 liter tank, for oil recovery - ref. 152
N. 1 Blower manual MCG 8V 345. - ref. 163
N. 1 Chainsaw 350 CS tear. - Ref. 164
N. 2 Packs with 6 cartridges grease - ref. 138
Server time Sat 28/12/2024 at 03:42 | Europe/Rome
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