The lot includes:
-"Figurative Trademark "Rux Guru Srl" -
Application Number: 302014902232297
Registration Number: 0001579485
Deposit Date: 11/02/2014
Registration Date: February 18, 2014
Country: Italy
Classes: 16-38-41
Description: the trademark consists of the words rux guru srl and the design depicting
a square with a row of books arranged in a fan shape in a quarter circle.
Figurative Trademark. No claim regarding colors
The trademark "rux guru s.r.l." is represented by both the figurative component and the
name (denominative or verbal part).
The first registration of this distinctive sign dates back to 2008
- "Figurative Trademark "Guru Srl" -
Application Number: 302014902232298
Registration Number: 0001579486
Deposit Date: 11/02/2014
Registration Date: February 18, 2014
Country: Italy
Classes: 16-38-41
Description: the trademark consists of the words guru srl and the design depicting
four squares containing the phrases: guerra stampa, rux distribuzione, guerra
edizioni and the capital "G" of guru srl.
Figurative Trademark. No claim regarding colors.
The trademark "Guru s.r.l." is represented by both the figurative component and the name (denominative or verbal part).
The first registration of this distinctive sign dates back to 2008.
- Figurative Trademark "Guerra Edizioni" -
Application Number: 302014902232299
Registration Number: 0001579487
Deposit Date: 11/02/2014
Registration Date: February 18, 2014
Country: Italy
Classes: 16-38-41
Description: the trademark consists of the words guerra edizioni and the design depicting an open book with the lowercase "g" on the right page.
Figurative Trademark. No claim regarding colors.
The trademark "Guerra Edizioni" is represented by both the figurative component and the name (denominative or verbal part).
The first registration of this distinctive sign dates back to 2008.
Server time Wed 12/03/2025 at 02:27 | Europe/Rome
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