OFFER COLLECTION - Office in Catania, Via Antonio Pacinotti 29/b - LOT 9
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Catania on Sheet 11:
Parcel 445 - Category A/10 - Class 1 - Size 6 rooms - R.C. € 2,293.07
The building in question was constructed after World War II and is developed on a single level intended for a Job Center, with an attached recreational room.
The Job Center is organized into three areas:
- waiting room, with an attached restroom, for a total of 20 sqm;
- a first office of 17 sqm, with a window, connected to the previous area via a glass door, has a square shape;
- a second office, connected to the first with a metal door, with two storage rooms, rectangular in shape for a total of 48 sqm.
The recreational center, on the other hand, consists of four main areas:
- entrance of rectangular shape of 23 sqm;
- hallway and restroom, which act as a diaphragm between the entrance and the hall;
- the multipurpose room, of rectangular shape of 82 sqm, which has a slightly vaulted ceiling (minimum height 3.20 m at the sides, maximum height 3.47 m in the center);
- a room intended for storage of 13 sqm directly connected to the hall.
There are cadastral and urban discrepancies.
The property is currently occupied.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
To make an offer, it will be necessary to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be sent back signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.
For more information regarding participation, please consult the Sale Notice and the specific sale conditions.
Retail surface: 178 sqm
Area: 171,70 sqm
Sqm Court: 64.2 sqm
Floor: T