Full ownership of a 50% participation share of the share capital of the company Voltaico Più Srl, with registered office in the Municipality of Avellino at Via Sant’Anna, 63 - ZIP 83100, with Tax Code, VAT number and registration number 02579320645 of the Avellino Business Register, certified email: voltaicopiu@pec.it.
The participation is better described in the appraisal report signed by the expert, attached to this document, which must be consulted by the bidder, along with this sales notice and the attachments to which explicit reference is made also for everything concerning the existence of any burdens and encumbrances of any kind affecting the assets.
The bylaws of the company Voltaico Più Srl provide in Article 7 for the clause of approval by the shareholders, as well as the possibility for the shareholders to exercise, within thirty days following the communication by registered mail, the purchase of the participation at the value offered by the successful bidder.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached survey.
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