Lands in Ferrol - La Coruña
Cadastral reference
- Land 15037A003000570000PO sqm 6808.08
- Land 15037A003000560000PM sqm 1480
- Land 15037A003000400000PZ sqm 2.821,28
- Land 15037A001000130000PD sqm 13.193
- Land 15037A003000610000PK sqm 267
- Land 15037A001000170000PE sqm 1.046
- Land 15037A001000180000PS sqm 371
- Land 15037A001000190000PZ sqm 308
- Land 15037A001000230000PU sqm 3.417
For further information consult the attached documentation.
Server time Thu 12/12/2024 at 05:56 | Europe/Rome
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