The lot includes n. 2 photovoltaic power plants of 97.02 kWp and 15.435 kWp respectively (tot. about 112 kWp)
In the first plant the photovoltaic modules are installed on triangular structures on the roofs of two stables, with an inclination of about 20 ° and orientation to the south.
The photovoltaic modules are connected in series to form strings connected in turn to n. 6 inverters;
The system is completed by the parallel string panels of each individual inverter, the alternating current switchboards, the isolation transformer, the monitoring system and the production counter of the system.
In the second plant the modules are installed in a coplanar manner to the existing flap of the building facing south and with an inclination of about 10 °;
The system is completed by the inverter, the direct current electrical panel, the alternating current electrical panel, the monitoring system and the production counter, installed on the wall inside the building
Removal of movable goods assistance costs on Euro 1.500,00 are required
It should be noted that lot 1 insists on property owned by third parties without surface rights and the credit for the contribution received from the Energy Services Manager has been transferred to a credit institution.
For further information see the appraisal in the annex
Server time Mon 10/03/2025 at 21:33 | Europe/Rome
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