OFFERS GATHERING - Rural building and land in Castelvetrano (TP), Locality Belice di Mare, SS 115 Drainage Road - LOT 5
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Castelvetrano on Sheet 167:
Parcel 876 – Category F/1 – Size 3,259 sqm
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Castelvetrano on Sheet 167:
Parcel 161 – Ruined building – Area 110 sqm
Parcel 368 – Ruined building – Area 320 sqm
Parcel 878 – Arable land – Class 1 – Area 1,747 sqm – R.D. € 9.92 – R.A. € 4.96
Parcel 880 – Arable land – Class 1 – Area 263 sqm – R.D. € 1.49 – R.A. € 0.75
Parcel 883 - Arable land - Class 1 - Area 5,125 sqm - R.D. € 29.12 – R.A. € 14.56
Parcel 161-368 - Building classified as "ruined" but in good static condition and precarious state of preservation. Located in an area fenced on two sides with tuff stone walls and on the other two sides with posts and metal mesh
Parcel 876 - Land partially cultivated with olive trees with approximately 35 plants. The lot is in a state of abandonment. With a perimeter border of palm trees and metal fencing on the boundary of the internal road of the recently established accommodation complex, while to the north there is a hint of fencing with wooden posts. It is subject to active easement for passage also with vehicles, through parcels no. 877-879-881-882-884-885 and 886, of the same map sheet 167.
Parcel 880 - The lot is in a state of abandonment. With a perimeter border of palm trees and metal fencing on the boundary of the internal road of the recently established accommodation complex. It contains a water tank in
vibrated concrete with a capacity of about 16.00 cubic meters, probably for the irrigation of the olive trees planted in the adjacent parcels no. 876 and 883.
Parcel 883 - Land partially cultivated with olive trees with approximately 40 plants. The lot is in a state of abandonment. There is tuff stone masonry on the boundary with the public road with an access gate, while to the north there is a hint of fencing with wooden posts. There is a rural building corresponding to parcel 161 within the lot.
The lands fall within the Z.T.O. "F-Territorial Park" of the PRG. In table 22.7 of the "Landscape Plan Areas 2 and 3 TRAPANI" it falls within the cartographic background of Local Landscape 12. It falls within the PAI of the Hydrographic Basin of the Belice River, particularly in Table BE-IDR-R 627030-42 in an area at medium hydraulic risk for flooding phenomena of the Belice River and in Table BE-IDR-P 627030-42 in an area of high danger for flooding phenomena of the Belice River. In table 22.7 of the "Landscape Plan Areas 2 and 3 TRAPANI" it falls within the cartographic background of Local Landscape 12.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation (from asset 17 to asset 22).
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