Credit assignment
Bankruptcy no. 439/2012 - Court of Milan
SALE BY AUCTION in a single lot the shares and any credits deriving from these shares against:
- Directors of the Sime Spa Group (for the proceedings pending against them)
- Sgaria family - i.e. Sgaria Primo, Sgaria Marta Elisa, Sgaria Paola Medarda and Rinaldi Maria Carla (for the cause referred to in the so-called "Villa delle Ragazze" contract)
As well as the credits claimed against:
- 11 condominiums (for debts relating to non-payment of the amount due for the works carried out by the contractor Sime S.r.l. deriving from the tender contract)
BASE AUCTION PRICE €850,000.00.= (eight hundred and fifty thousand/00) with minimum bids of €10,000.00.= (ten thousand/00)
For further information on how to participate, consult the Notice of Sale attached