SALE NOTICE - Clothing Business Unit
Irrevocable offers to purchase a business unit for the clothing trade
"Dott. Luigi Marangoni, Liquidator of the company" Twill di Cerolini Carla & Sclavi
Romina S.N.C. ”, with registered office in Via Umberto I, n. 483, Porto Sant’Elpidio and commercial operation in
Piazzale Virgilio scn.
that on 24 April 2019, at 7.00 pm the procedure for identifying the contractor of the company branch of the company in liquidation will be completed, as described above and as better specified in the annexes; the Liquidator intends to receive and examine offers and therefore
To participate in the sale, the interested party must send, at the office of the Liquidator Dr. Luigi Marangoni in Porto San Giorgio (FM), viale Cavallotti, 153, by registered letter or direct delivery, irrevocable purchase offer, pursuant to art. 1329 Civil Code. The envelope, closed and countersigned by the bidder on at least one of the closing flaps, must be received no later than 1.00 pm on 24 April 2019, addressed to DR. LUIGI MARANGONI - LIQUIDATOR COMPANY TWILL OF CEROLINI CARLA & SCLAVI ROMINA s.n.c. -VIALE CAVALLOTTI 153 - 63822 PORTO SAN GIORGIO (FM). Under penalty of exclusion, the package must contain the following documentation:
1) application for participation in the tender on free paper dated and signed, on every page, in legible form, by the bidder or by its legal representative, in the case of a company, organization, or body or other person having the powers to commit the 'bidder; the request must indicate, for natural persons, the name and surname, the place and date of birth, the domicile and the tax identification number of the bidder or, for companies, organizations and bodies of any kind, the name or company name, the registration number in the Business Register, the registered office, the tax code or VAT number, if of Italian nationality or with a secondary office in Italy, as well as the personal details of the legal representative, complete with the tax code; the application must explicitly indicate whether the bidder participates for himself or for the person or company to be appointed;
2) if the bidder acts as the legal representative of a company or other entity, a certificate of the Business Register must be attached showing the validity of the office and the powers of representation of the entity. The signing of the application implies the explicit acceptance of all the provisions contained in this Sale Notice.
You will also have to attach a photocopy of the document "
The business unit has base price of € 58,000.00
For any information on how to submit offers, contact the Liquidator Dott. Luigi Marangoni, telephone: 0737-676870, Certified e-mail address:
For more information, please refer to the documents and sales notice in the annex