Land for sale in Porto San Giorgio (FM), Via Santa Vittoria and Via Della Resistenza
The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Porto San Giorgio on Sheet 9:
Parcels 119-123-189-197-301-531-534-536-546-579-684
These are plots of land located near the sports hall. The altimetric position of the area is elevated compared to the adjacent built-up fabric, with a panoramic view and in close proximity to the main communication routes. The area is currently in a normal state of preservation.
The parcels have the following destinations according to the current General Regulatory Plan:
- SM zoning, Public and private services for pedestrian, cycling, and motorized mobility.
- B1 Mixed zones saturated with permanent city
- E2 Agricultural zones and private green areas
- FE Urban equipped park of the old AFA railway
- R Completion zones of the built environment within the districts
The area is also subject to the following constraints:
- Protection area of the ridges
- Marine coasts
- Slopes
- Area of high geological hazard – maximum
- Landslide risk area (R3-P3) – (R1-P2)
- Hydrogeological constraint
- Territorial subsystems areas C-V
- Landscape protection area art. 136 D.Lgs 22.01.2004 n. 42
- Areas of agricultural landscape of historical, scenic, and environmental interest – Scenic viewpoints and panoramic roads
- Easement for the protection of power lines
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Server time Sun 09/03/2025 at 08:09 | Europe/Rome
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