Semi-detached house under contruction in Bagnolo di Po (RO), via Sandro Pertini - LOT 3A+3B
The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Bagnolo di Po at sheet 5:
Parcel 928 - Building under construction
The land is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bagnolo di Po at sheet 5:
Parcel 928 - Land attached to building
Parcel 927 - Land attached to building
The property is divided into two terraced houses, with an external appurtenant area, which are developed on two levels.
As of today, the progress of the works is equal to 58%.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Area: 259 sqm
Box : 20 sqm
Floor: T - 1
Lot Code: 3A+3B