Agricultural land and agricultural buildings in Lucera (FG), Strada Provinciale 109 - LOT 9
The lands are listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Lucera at Sheet 31:
Parcel 316 - Arborated arable land - R.D. € 0.37 - R.A. € 0.24
Parcel 581 - Arable land - R.D. € 18.26 - R.A. € 10.79
Parcel 583 - Arborated arable land - R.D. € 2.84 - R.A. € 1.83
Parcel 735 - Arborated arable land - R.D. € 15.72 - R.A. € 10.17
The properties are listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Lucera at Sheet 31:
Parcel 612 - Sub 1 - Category D/10 - R.C. € 1,340.00
The lot consists of flat-lying lands and some agricultural buildings.
The latter are in poor condition and are currently used as a warehouse and poultry house.
The land falls within the CRA context - Rural context with a predominant agricultural function unless changes have occurred over time.
For further information, please refer to the expertise and documentation attached.
Area: 7.526 sqm