Agricultural land in Lucera (FG), Locality Perazze - LOT 5
The lands are listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Lucera at Sheet 78:
Parcel 503 - Fallow - R.D. € 0.97 - R.A. € 0.68
Parcel 504 - Arable - R.D. € 40.47 - R.A. € 20.57
Irregularly shaped arable lands, with a slightly sloping position. The parcels are on the roadside of S.S. 17 and bordered by the local road "perazze".
The land is easy to reach and cultivate, has a surface area slightly less than a hectare and is particularly interesting for neighboring landowners who could merge the properties.
The land falls within the CRA context - Rural context with a prevalent agricultural function - Ar t. 23.1- Rural context with a prevalent agricultural function as a reserve Except for variations that may have occurred over time.
For further information, please refer to the expertise and documentation attached.
Area: 9.440 sqm