OFFERS GATHERING - Agricultural lands in Putignano (BA), Località Pozzo dell'Amministrazione - LOT 18 - SHARE 50%
Share equal to undivided half of the rustic land of the total cadastral area dim. Approximately 15,440 located in Putignano (BA) in the Contrada Pozzo dell'Administration, reported in the Land Registry on sheet no. 50, parcel no. 164 arable land quality, class 2, and sheet no. 50, parcel 1301, arable land quality, class 2. According to the current PRG approved with Regional Council Resolution no. 677 of 26.6.2000 and subsequent variations, the land falls in the area classified as "E3 - agricultural protection and environmental interest". The parcel 1301 and part of the parcel 164 for approximately 98.7229% are affected by the "Puglia Basin Hydrogeological Structure Plan" (PAI), approved with Resolution of the Institutional Committee of the Puglia Basin Authority n. 39 of 30.11.2005. Part of particle no. 1301 for approximately 26.19% is affected by the art. 104 “Traffic areas”. The same parcels are affected by the "PPTR approved by the Regional Council with Resolution no. 176 of 16.2.2015 published on BURP n. 40 of 03.23.2015".
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Retail surface: 15440 sqm
Area: 15.440 sqm