OFFERS GATHERING - Warehouse in Macerata, Locality Villa Potenza, Via Giovanni Palatucci 17 - LOT B14
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Macerata at sheet 29:
Parcel 785 - Sub 57 - Category C/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 4 sqm - Cadastral Rent € 8.52
The warehouse is located in the basement of a building of greater consistency.
Access is via the vehicle ramp common to all units.
A painted metal door was installed to close the compartment, internally there is the electrical system and a basement window that guarantees ventilation and lighting.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
The gathering will be done using the following modes:
All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address in conjunction with the documents required.
Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Area: 7 sqm
Floor: S1
Lot Code: B14