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Industrial building in Pescara


Real Estate > Industrial Properties

  • Description
INVITATION TO OFFER - Industrial Building in Pescara
Creditors Agreement n. 5/2012 - Pescara Law Court
For sale a real estate complex and a industrial complex in Pescara industrial area as following:
"La Ferri Elettroforniture in Concordato Preventivo received an expression of interest for purchase of:
1) REAL ESTATE COMPLEX in industrial area of ​​Pescara, at Via Raiale No. 305, a short distance from major infrastructural hubs.
The good of that matter, in functional and typological terms, is schematically constituted by:
- operating area coinciding with a single-level warehouse above ground of approx. 3587.42 sqm;
- areas for offices that coincide with the service building, divided into four levels above ground, of 1,268.16 square meters;
- external appurtenance area, used as aprons and parking lots, as well as functional annexes with less consistency.
The property is rented to the monthly fee of € 15,000.00 until 28/02/2018.
Economic value of received offer is EUR 1,670,000.00
Judicial Liquidator of procedure, dott. Giambattista Elisio, invites you to submit no later than 12.00 am on March 14th 2018 ameliorative offers compared to what has already reached at following conditions:
Offers can not be less than € 1,670,000.00
Estimate report of the Arch. Filippo Saia can be consulted on website https//, which must be viewed by bidder and to which express reference is made also for everything concerning the existence of any charges and weights weighing on it.
For more information and property visiting, contact Judicial Liquidator dr. Giambattista Elisio: E-mail Pec; Mobile Phone 389 470 999 5"
For partecipation modalities further information consult attached Sale Notice

Area: 4.855,56 sqm

  • Attached documents (1)

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